On October 13th, my friend dark_corner started his own personal web page at the domain http://www.sadness.gr/.
At that time, he aimed to have only his paper work inside.
Afterwords, some people approached him, that were interested in having their own personal pages in sadness.gr, so in that way he made his page a network where every amateur writer would be interested to place his work.
On the main page he had included varius links for other pages with a similar or at least an interesting content.
But he still wanted something more..
At one moment he visited the page of http://www.darklinks.com/.
He then realized that he wanted to do something like that, but that would only include greek pages..
The whole idea grew mature for quite a good time in his mind, until the summer of 2001 when he decided to do the big step, to create the first greek gothic web gate.
Similar attemps like this, do already exist, but he wanted to believe that sadness.gr would have the most vast variety in pages and that it could be quite easy to navigate, not to seem strange to its visitors. His propose was and is in general terms to create a page that everyone that is interested in will visit at fixed moments of time ( and why not ) to be a page with which the visitor will start his web navigation.
All these were valid until Xmas of 2002, when sodow
decided to leave the page at a stationbary point.
Then at the main page was a small list of links that were
there to guide the visitor at a reference point of his own
message.. :
there are only two things that make me nervous in this
world, the envie and the foolishness. The envie because its
result is to hurt people. The foolishness for the same
reason.. At the end, the result makes the diference. So
sadness.gr, stops to act like most of you had seen it, as
for the foolishness of the others and as for the incapacity
of mine to face it. It's all my falt, i know... But if
someday, i will stand still on my feet, i shall face the
sadness.gr as it had to be most of the time. Until then..
This page will still remain a land for all those that want
to express their sadness... "
This decission fell like a bolt of
thunder in clear skies for many of our visitors and users.
Then was the time when i took the decission ti deal with
the internet experience and editing and hoping of
undertaken the page again in the future. For all this
period, i was in touch with sadow and in the summer of
2003, after our meeting in his city, he handed over me the
keys of the administration of this domain. For certain i
never lernt and neither am i going to learn why he trusted
me his dream witch baptized sadness.gr. Well, what ever the
reason was, i thank him that he gave me the opportunity to
continue to preserve the page.
His presence and help will still remain valuable to both of
us, users and visitors that the enter sadness.gr.
Well for
all of those you, that may be wondering what place this is,
just think very simply that all og us have been born in a
certain way to influence what we will become after, our
reactions, oyr preferences and our instigations, without
putting signs on certain people as for us to feel more
But the thing that we do not know is how to define the
natural and what is the true meaning in separating by act
in our everyday life. These are only words, movements and
feelings that they belong to our super discovering time.
I know, all this sounds a little bit stange.
They are just thoughts and settlements of facts that leaded
to pcyco-adventures and to attempts of passing through and
searching for the invisible soul of ourselves. In a manner
of speaking, this is how sorrow, loneliness, despair and
many other familiar feelings are born from our grey
emotions and thouths. That is how our personal
relationships are so stretched on a thick old rope, based
on a sterile policy, which far deep under we all share and
experience living in the same city, but still we do not
know and we do not WANT to know , to learn further our next
door pepole. How we live in everyday base, how we
experience at a personal level the feelings of a lonely
cource, we express it inside these pages.
Everyone for his own personal reasons.
We people that we are hurted,
where lonliness bens us and during a time of sincerity,
away from pain, we a single tear for conpanion, a taer of
literature or art. But the people that surround us and
often offer us in a very rich way, their icy diplomatic
smile and their theatrical claping of hands, ensure us that
as long as the lemoncup has some juice, it's worth
preserving the lemon.
So our wen presence aims there ..
To create a website page to share
it with them and YOU , with whatever agonies and hopes for
itos cource, because " the world ", as Tasos Livaditis says
:" only when you share it, that one exists "...
This present page continues to
belong to all of us that didn't become slaves of our
dreams, irrelevatly if others, a third party, is using it.
All these
as for our unique personal interest.
We declare that we are not going to use sadness.gr for
financial benefits.
We spent money from our own pockets and we use our leazure
time in the mornings, only for sadness.gr to become what is
Whoever wants to help us in whatever way, may contact us.
Still whoever want can put the
below source code in his webpage as to have a link to
<a href="http://sadness.gr/">
<img border="0"
alt="Sadness.gr - Greek gothic art
Techical details ..
Apperarence : Resolution 1024 X 768 ( screen
17΄΄ ) or 800 X 600 ( screen 15΄΄ )
The present web page is better presented with Safari,
Mozilla, Netscape Navigator 3.0, Internet Explorer 5.0 and
all of their newest versions.
We advice you to use a depth colour of at least 16bits,
with caracters of New Times Roman of 12 moments. Our
porpose is to enrich the present material from time to time
a fixed period witch is displayed. So if you confront a
certain tipe of problem, please do not hesitate to contact
us. Efford was given so the rules would be implied for the
writing witch in many ways is taken round by the laws on
the web, first capital letter with tones, inverted commas,
looking downwards, e.t.c. The same text may differ ( just a
little bit ) from the way that they were once publiced in
every language.
editor: Sadness.gr wasn't created with a certain tool of webmanager. This was made so i could have a bigger contol on the final results and so the pages could be quite smaller and simple so that they could load quicker on whatever computer would be presented.
Then all the pages were written with the editor nedit.
dinamic pages: Plenty of our pages are using php and mysql so that they can present a more dynamic and efficient content. Otherwise it was used only sipmle html.
graphics: Initially, all the original sadness.gr graphics were put under process with gnu image manipulation program and all of the original drawings were made by Theodore Iovisιώβη. Nowdays the image processing is based on using the : Abobe Photoshop CS, Adobe ImageReady CS, Art Directors Toolkit 3, Corel Grafics 10.0, AppleWorks 6, GraphicConverter v4.5 and Painter 7.
tested for : Ιnternet Εxplorer
5.x , Netscape Navigator 4.x , Mozilla 1.0 , Konqueror 2.2
(Linux) , Safari και Opera 6.0
Basically i still search of that memories on testing such
editorial group : dream collector and long time ago dark_corner. ( other ? please contact us.)